By: Staff Writer
November 18, 2022
A noted regional economist says that 2023 will be more challenging than 2022 as she gears up to deliver her annual Economic Outlook in the Metaverse today.
Marla Dukharan, told Caribbean Magazine Plus by email that she will highlight the trends she is seeing in the Caribbean for each country in her Economic Outlook happening today.

She said: “2023 will possibly be as challenging or more so than 2022. We will discuss specific economies and how they are faring – we are not the same. We have had different experiences and policy responses and some of us are doing better than others.”
She did note however that real estate and technology are “taking off,” despite the latter being hampered by lack of participation by the public sector.
Ms Dukharan also said: “I have always felt that crypto offers some use cases in the payments space especially in the unbanked market and in the developing world. I would never and have never seen / called crypto an investment. Wrong word. It is a possible solution as mentioned just now but it is also a gamble as an asset. Don’t put what you can’t risk / lose.”
Sovereigns should not expect to raise any money on the international market easy, she said: “Risk is off – worldwide. This means risky sovereigns will see their access to liquidity dry up. The Bahamas comes to mind, Suriname, and more and more we may see T&T be affected this way. The Cayman Islands however have no problem borrowing.”
If you are interested you can log on to the platform by going to her website and getting the information:
Why did she choose the metaverse, she said: “Basically we decided to maintain online vs in person for our annual Economic Outlook event, but wanted to make it more enjoyable than typical online platforms. We also wanted to show people a different space / way to work. There is a lot happening in the metaverse and this space on the whole so we wanted to expose my audience to this.
“We have a space in the metaverse where participants will be invited to enter, interact, and listen to the experts deliver their content, ask questions and engage in discussion, and also be entertained by 3 Canal and Jus Jay. It will be the best online event for 2022 – don’t believe me, just watch!”
We hope people are as curious to witness the new platform her Economic Outlook is being hosted on as she has a fantastic lineup of eminently qualified guests participating in this year’s metaverse event.