EDITORIAL: The BVI Premier being locked up for drug trafficking is embarrassing!

May 3, 2022

Andrew Fahie, the Premier of the British Virgin Islands is such a huge fool until it is beyond sickening. This is not even funny anymore. He is an utter and complete jackass and deserved what came to him.

For even being anywhere close to such activity is embarrassing enough. But he is innocent until proven guilty, but with the “Feds” they normally have their case tied up and know that dealing with a foreign leader would take some doing and would not have bagged him in such a cavalier manner.

How in the world could you be setting up drug deals yourself? Don’t you have thugs and toadies to do that for you? The documents from the Confidential Informant says that he was speaking directly to the Drug Enforcement Agent about how he wanted the deal to go down and why he was doing it. LOLZ! He’s a pure ass.

But this is not time to heap scorn as much as it is a time to teach the people on the ground to choose their leaders a bit better. Not only does Premier Fahie have the drug trafficking charges, he also has a Commission of Inquiry report to answer to when he gets out of jail in Miami.

A Commission of Inquiry that stemmed from the previous Governor General that Fahie ran out of the BVI, labelling everything other than Satan. Who has the last laugh now, Fahie? Dumbass!

The CARICOM, in flaccid diplomatic fashion, released a statement on the Commission of Inquiry and their concerns about it. OF course they neglected the drug trafficking arrest in Florida. Red flag for CARICOM. They should have just shut up on this. Because this is a moment to bring moral clarity to the issue and not gutless, empty statements in an attempt to be seen and not felt.

No, no, no. Premier Fahie needs to be condemned and called the asshole he is. If only for being a weak leader who doesn’t have goons in place to do his drug dealing for him.

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