Bridges of Sanity

By: Michael Charles

August 20, 2024

Each day, life in its sanity becomes a bridge, not to peace, but to an ever-deepening fear. We wake to the routines that keep us grounded, believing that the familiar will shield us from the chaos outside. The morning coffee, the daily commute, the hum of routine—all seem like anchors in a world teetering on the edge. But what if it’s the very structure of our ordered lives that paves the way for fear to take root?

In our quest for control, we tighten the reins, building walls of predictability. We schedule our days, plan our futures, and structure our lives with the precision of architects, convinced that in the blueprints of our routines, we can find safety. Yet, behind these walls, shadows grow longer. The very predictability that once brought comfort now suffocates, as the fear of the unknown presses against the edges of our carefully constructed reality.

We tell ourselves that by adhering to the familiar, we are safe. But safety, as it turns out, is a fragile thing. It is within the confines of our carefully orchestrated lives that fear finds its home, thriving in the spaces where we least expect it. We grasp at routine, clinging to the semblance of normalcy, unaware that each step along this bridge takes us closer to an abyss of our own making.

The irony is that our fear isn’t born from the chaos outside but from the quiet certainty within. It is the fear of losing control that drives us, the dread of watching the scaffolding of our lives crumble beneath the weight of uncertainty. We fear the unknown, not because it is inherently dangerous, but because it is unfamiliar. In our effort to stave off chaos, we build lives so structured, so insulated, that the mere thought of disruption sends tremors through our carefully laid foundations.

But perhaps the true terror lies in realizing that in our desperate bid for sanity, we have forgotten how to embrace the unpredictable, the wild, the unknown—the very essence of life itself. We have become so adept at constructing bridges to shield ourselves from fear that we’ve lost sight of the possibility that lies on the other side.

Maybe the answer isn’t in tightening the reins, but in loosening them. In stepping off the bridge and into the unknown, not with fear, but with curiosity. For in the unpredictable lies not only uncertainty but also potential—the potential to experience life in all its raw, unfiltered beauty. To walk not on bridges built from fear, but on paths paved with wonder.

What would happen if we let go? If we stopped seeing the unknown as something to be feared and started viewing it as an adventure? The bridge, after all, doesn’t have to lead deeper into fear. It can lead us into a world where sanity and chaos coexist, where the unexpected is not a threat but a promise. A promise that life, in all its unpredictability, is not something to be controlled, but something to be lived.

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