Identifying Strategic Solutions to tackle Crime and Violence is a priority for CARICOM

October 4, 2024

CARICOM Heads of Government are prioritising the safety and security of the Region and working collaboratively to address the social determinants that contribute to many social ills, including crime and violence, that adversely impact public health, families, communities, and individuals.  These are the sentiments of Dr. Armstrong Alexis, Deputy Secretary-General of CARICOM, during his address at the Forty-Seventh Meeting of the Council of Human and Social Development (COHSOD) – Health on Friday, 27 September, in Washington, D.C.

The Meeting was convened under the chairmanship of Hon. Cassanni Laville, Minister of Health, Wellness and Social Services of Dominica. CARICOM Ministers of Health, Chief Medical Officers, national health officials, and representatives from Regional Institutions and Bodies, including the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), the Regional Nursing Body (RNB), and the Human Resources for Health Caribbean Commission, were in attendance. Regional and international partners, the Global Fund and Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)/World Health Organisation (WHO) also participated.

The Meeting focused on advancing the public health agenda in the Caribbean. Critical discussions surrounded regional health security, including an update on matters of interest to the Region for the upcoming PAHO Directing Council and Crime and Violence as a Public Health Concern, formally presented for discussion and consideration by Saint Kitts and Nevis.  Hon. Dr. Terrance Drew, Prime Minister of Saint Kitts and Nevis is responsible for human resource development, health, and HIV and AIDS in the CARICOM Quasi Cabinet.

The Deputy Secretary-General reminded the Meeting that CARICOM Heads of Governments expressed “deep concern about the high levels of crime and violence in the Region, driven in part by firearms and ammunition trafficking, transnational criminal networks, and a breakdown of social structures, and the impact of crime and violence on young people and children.”

He highlighted that in a statement issued following the 47th Heads of Government Conference in July 2024, the Heads of Government reaffirmed their commitment to taking urgent action to protect the citizens of the Region and to ensure safety, security, and public interest by sharing information and strengthening legislation related to firearms offences, violent crime, and bail.

Dr. Alexis also lauded the offer by Barbados to host a second Regional Symposium on Crime and Security as a Public Health Issue before the end of 2024. “The presentation today by Saint Kitts and Nevis Chief Medical Officer Hazel Laws on behalf of Prime Minister Drew as the Lead Head with responsibility for issues pertaining to Human Resource Development, Health, and HIV and AIDS in the CARICOM Quasi Cabinet further attests to the importance that Heads of Governments have placed on identifying strategic solutions to tackle crime and violence,” added the DSG.

This Meeting is integral to the continued leadership and strategic direction of the Region’s health sector development and the collaborative approach to managing on-going health threats within the Community.  

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