EDITORIAL: Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in Samoa

October 22, 2024

From the outside it seems like just another empty meeting with the only purpose is for select world leaders to travel with their large delegations to a foreign land off of their citizens dime. Because, from the bits and pieces we have listened to from this year’s CHOGM, it seems very “ho-hum.” Unoriginal to downright miserable.

I guess we have all been whored out on climate change jibber-jabber. How often can we explain the weather is getting bad? We are running out of topics now.

On top of that, there doesn’t seem to be weight issues on the agenda. And maybe these meetings should not be about that in the public. Maybe they are what they are? Dog and pony shows for the public to be appeased that the world is not going down the crapper faster than ever.

Don’t mind the cynic in us, because we have been whored out on the news. It’s like eating a baloney and cheese sandwich for a month straight. Sure, the first week is okay, but when we start to get into the middle of the month, we would prefer to starve than eat another baloney and cheese sandwich.

But, these meetings must happen. The main highlight of the meeting was an Australian aboriginal descent political scream out to King Charles that he is not her King. Even that seems tame. Every major event with world leaders have these hooligans looking for brownie points from their looney-toons crew.

Anyway, we wish something beneficial happens at these meetings, however.

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