EDITORIAL: Are you interested in taking the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine?

I don’t think I’m up for taking the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine now. There is just still too much controversy surrounding the efficacy of the vaccine.

Sure, reports state that it only affects a minuscule number of people who actually take the vaccine, primarily middle aged white women who have suffered blood clotting in the legs. But are we sure it is just that small demographic?

There are just too many questions. The Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) seems to only have the AstraZeneca vaccine in their arsenal, they have not said anything about the American vaccines like the Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson and Johnson vaccine let alone the other Asian, Russian and European vaccines that have not been so pronounced, but they are out there.

Perhaps the global drug companies rushed this vaccine? Perhaps it was just too fast and they really have not worked out all of the kinks? Could be, so for that reason alone I don’t want to be the first test pigs for it. The masks and social distancing is enough for me for the time being.

Even more so, Dr Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the foremost voice in the world on this disease outside of the World Health Organisation has come out and said that the disease is not spread through surfaces as earlier thought. So, that gives us some hope for now.

So all of the whooping and the hollering for a vaccine leaders from the Caribbean have been on about, they got them. But do we as citizens want them?

I know we have to get back to work and back to tourism, but health is more important than a few dollars. Plus, everyone should understand now that we are in a global pandemic and there is very little many of us can do- this goes for the banks, mortgage lenders, utility companies and anyone who wants a couple of dollars from us. It is just not there, so chill out and leave us be.

But for now, I am not even on the fence about taking the AstraZeneca vaccine. I’m on the side of no. Even so with the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, which reports have surfaced saying that it too causes blood clots.

Be safe people. Most of all, stay wise.

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