Artificial intelligence will change the Caribbean

October 8, 2024

On Tuesday, September 24, it was tropically warm again during the well-attended meeting of Caribbean Business Hub at the Curaçao House in The Hague. CBH is a business and personal Network for Caribbean, South American and Dutch Entrepreneurs and professionals who meet periodically with varying themes. This time the themes were Artificial Intelligence and Real Estate Purchase in the Caribbean.

After a Caribbean buffet, drink and musical decoration by two well-known artists Lou Prince and Gene Travis, the evening was opened by the chairman, Nico de Visser of Caribbean Business Hub. He welcomed the attendees and presented the entire board the ambitions and highlights of Caribbean Business Hub. The announcement of the next meeting in December and the celebration of CBH’s 10th anniversary in 2025 are already on the website

Then the host, the Minister Plenipotentiary Mr. Carl Manuel, spoke. He indicated that there are many opportunities on Curaçao and that he noticed that through the inspiring Caribbean Business Hub network meetings, more and more entrepreneurs are investing and doing business in the Caribbean.

Then the two guest speakers took the floor.

Professor Eric Postma of the Ilustre program (Tilburg University), was able to translate the dynamic subject of Artificial Intelligence into opportunities for entrepreneurs and governments in an understandable way. He not only shared the history of AI, but also the latest developments, ethical issues and the impact on society. The conclusion was that AI will be used in many areas in the coming years and offers many opportunities. This sounds like Science Fiction but it is already reality in the Caribbean.

Top lawyer Dave Liqui Lung of Brenner Law firm in Amsterdam spoke about the legal and tax laws and regulations when purchasing real estate in Curaçao. Complex subjects that require a careful approach every time. During the networking afterwards, Mr. Liqui Lung was able to give several participants specific tips.

All in all, a beautiful and, above all, fruitful meeting. The next meeting, a warm Christmas drink, is December 17th. Cheers to the year 2024!

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