Baku Initiative Group Signs MOU with Bonaire Human Rights Organizations and Bonaire Movement for Change to Combat Colonialism and Promote Human Rights

August 30, 2024

The Baku Initiative Group (BIG), a renowned non-governmental organization focused on decolonization and human rights, has officially entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Bonaire Human Rights Organization and the Bonaire Movement for Change. This partnership aims to enhance collaborative efforts in addressing colonialism and neo-colonialism on both national and international levels.

The MOU recognizes BIG’s established international reputation and its alignment with organizations such as the United Nations and the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries. Together, the Parties will engage in multilateral initiatives, including demonstrations, events, and conferences, to raise global awareness about decolonization and related social challenges.

By sharing a common mission, the Parties commit to improving their effectiveness through cooperation in key areas of mutual interest.

Key aspects of the agreement include the establishment of regular reciprocal exchanges and delegation visits, promoting joint events such as conferences and round tables that align with shared goals. The parties emphasized the importance of practical cooperation and information dissemination during international events, allowing for better alignment of strategies.

Furthermore, the Memorandum encourages the coordination of positions within international forums, facilitating mutual support in building connections with other like-minded organizations.

This partnership aims to fortify the ties between Azerbaijan and Bonaire, setting the groundwork for future collaborative programs based on mutual consent. The parties expressed optimism about the potential outcomes of this cooperation, which promises to enhance their global standing and effectiveness in addressing shared challenges.

The document was signed by Mr. Abbas Abbasov, Executive Director of the Baku Initiative Group, Mr.James Finies, Founder of the Bonaire Movement for Change, and Mrs Davika Bissessar-Shaw, President of the Bonaire Human Rights Organization.

This historic moment was witnessed by the Bonaire delegation to Baku and international speakers; Ambassador Dr June Soomer, Chair of UN Permanent Forum on People of African Descent,   UN Ambassador for Belize Mr Fuller, Mr Matai Zamuel BHRO International Youth Representative from Suriname, Professor Richard Byron-Cox Special Envoy of St Vincent and Grenadines and Mr Jorge Garcia of COPPPAL Secretary General from Mexico and numerous media houses.

The signing of this agreement is a testament to our shared commitment to making a meaningful difference in the lives of the people of Bonaire “Together, we are stronger.

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