May 10, 2024

On the heels of a report suggesting the gender gap in labour force participation in Belize is among the highest in the region, the CEO of a recruitment firm wishes to remind jobseekers about the many varied resources available — many of which are literally at their fingertips.
“In many cases, there are far more jobs available than just what you happened to have heard about. In today’s day and age, you no longer have to rely on outdated methods of finding gainful employment,” said Joseph Boll, CEO of Caribbean Employment, a market-leading digital recruitment firm. The company is based in Barbados but operates throughout the Caribbean, providing jobseekers with free resources and working hard to connect top talent in any Caribbean country with hiring managers, HR professionals and decision-makers in companies here and abroad.
Boll referenced an International Monetary Fund Article IV report on Belize published this year, which found that “at 26.3 percentage points, Belize had one of the largest gaps in labour force participation rates between males and females in the region in 2023.”
While the IMF made several recommendations to Belizean officials on how to address this, and what benefits could be reaped accordingly, Boll had advice for the everyday citizen instead.
“Right now, it is easier than it ever has been to find a job and get hired quickly,” he said. “You don’t have to dress up and go walking from store to store handing out your resume if that would be difficult for you. You don’t have to chase down someone you know to ask for a favour to get hired. Right now, on your phone or on your computer, you can search for jobs and apply.”
Boll emphasized that, by using resources such as, jobseekers in Belize and any Caribbean country can simply upload their resume, browse jobs and apply in the click or tap of a button.
He acknowledged that many people may be working gig jobs or in the informal sector, especially after the pandemic dramatically changed life as it was known in the Caribbean. However, he added, “You don’t have to stick with an odd job you picked up when everything was shut down. You can brush up your resume, browse jobs and start applying now.”