June 13, 2023
Business leaders from Haitian and Dominican business supporting organizations (BSOs) participated in a trade and best practices mission to Europe to reactivate business opportunities for MSMEs from both countries that are and have the potential to export to the European Union (EU). This mission took place on April 17 – 28, 2023, and covered Paris, France; Madrid, Spain and Berlin Germany. In addition to reactivating business ties, these BSOs were also exploring best practices to support their respective private sector development efforts in Haiti and the Dominican Republic in a time of economic downturn.

This mission was organized by Caribbean Export as part of its work to improve private sector dialogue under the implementation of the Trade and Private Sector of the Haiti-Dominican Republic Binational Cooperation Programme financed by the European Union under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF).
This binational delegation was comprised by representatives from various organizations such the Chambre Franco-Haïtienne de Commerce et d’Industrie-CFHCI (French-Haitian Chamber of Commerce and Industry), the Federación Dominicana de Cámaras de Comercio-FEDOCAMARAS (Dominican Federation of Chambers of Commerce), Cámara de Comercio y Producción de Santo Domingo-CCPSD (Chamber of Commerce and Production of Santo Domingo), Asociación Dominicana de Exportadores-ADOEXPO (Dominican Exporters’ Association) and the Centro de Resolución Alternativa de Controversias de la República Dominicana-CRC (Dominican Republic’s Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution).
The delegation visited prominent organizations such as the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the International Court of Arbitration (ICA), Business France, Fundación de Estudios Estratégicos e Internacionales, and the chambers of industry and commerce in Germany. These organizations provided valuable insight and expertise on how to improve the services offered by the chambers of commerce in Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
The initiative provided the Haitian and Dominican Business Support Organizations the opportunity to explore new services to increase the quality and quantity of the services to be offered to their members, which will assist them with their functionality and sustainability in the long term. The improved access to the EU market is another benefit of the trade mission as it is one of the largest and most lucrative markets in the world.
This trade mission is a critical step in the development and growth of the Haitian and Dominican private sectors. It will enhance the ability of the chambers of commerce to provide essential services to their members, support their development and performance, and create a favorable environment for investment, ultimately contributing to the national economic development of both countries.
The initiative also provided an opportunity to generate binational synergy among the chambers of commerce from both Haiti and the Dominican Republic. By exploring and sharing the best practices of successful businesses in Europe, the chambers of commerce can improve their services, network, and contacts with international organizations.
The participating BSOs in this mission have taken an essential step towards strengthening the collaboration between their countries’ private sectors. By exploring the best practices of successful businesses in Europe, they can enhance the services provided to their members, support their development and performance, and create a favorable environment for investment, ultimately contributing to the national economic development of both countries.