The Caribbean Magazine Plus Poetry Contest award ceremony will be held on October 8, 2022 at 11:00am Eastern Standard Time via Zoom on our Facebook Page.
You will hear from all of the finalists from this year’s super competitive competition. The quality of the poets in this round is above par and Arawak Media thanks them for their passion and interest in furthering their skills and competing with other poets from around the region.
The first place winner, Raúl Ignacio José Arana Irías, from Nicaragua with his entry: BlueFields.

Second place finisher, Gabrielle Hulse, from Belize with her entry: The Ship of Grief

This year our evaluators decided to have two third place finishers, because both were equally striking on their imagery and use of colloquial terms:
Elizabeth Best, from Barbados, with her entry: Where I am from; and

Rosario Auguste, from St Lucia, with his entry: Treacherous Skies.

Our lead evaluator, Juanita Coleman-Merritt, assembled a great team of people to help with this year’s selection. Her keen eye for talent and love of the arts has been invaluable to this year’s contest.

You can watch the entire award ceremony live on our Facebook page @ Caribbean Magazine Plus on October 8 at 11:00am or you can go to our YouTube Page to see the replay, YouTube Channel.
For more information on this and upcoming events and contests, please contact:
Arawak Media
Phone: 1-242-425-7046
Facebook @Caribbean Magazine Plus, Twitter @MagCarib and Instagram @realcaribmedia

Muy buenos días, por este medio quiero dar las gracias a Caribbean Magazine Plus y su empresa matriz, Arawuak Media, por la oportunidad de permitirme haberme expresado en este grandioso concurso de letras inglesas, hispanas, holandesas y francesas, del área del Caribe y Centro América. Igualmente a los jurados y en especial a la Dra. Juanita Coleman Merrit, jurado principal designado. Muchas gracias, por el apoyo a la Literatura y a la poesía en particular.
Raúl Ignacio José Arana Irías
Poeta nicaragüense
Felicidades Raulito un fuerte abrazo de tu primo