New $70m St Kitts solar plant is partnership, not takeover!

By: Staff Writer December 25, 2020 A new solar energy project for the St. Kitts and Nevis energy company, SKELEC, will not be a foreign takeover but rather is just…

US Congressman warns “catastrophic” if Bahamas drills for oil!

By: Staff Writer December 21, 2020 U.S. Representative warns Bahamian government to not allow Bahamas Petroleum Company (BPC) to drill for oil in Bahamian waters, citing fears of “catastrophic” impact…

US $30m for Barbados to support sustainability of MSMEs in the face of COVID-19 crisis

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) approved a US$30m loan to support the short-term financial sustainability of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Barbados to maintain employment in the face of the COVID-19…

IMF gives Honduras $90m for COVID-19 relief.

By: Staff Writer December 18, 2020 IMF Executive Board Completes Third Reviews Under the Stand-By Arrangement and Arrangement under the Standby Credit Facility for Honduras. The IMF Executive Board’s completion…

IDB Invest promotes the development of tourism in Belize through Atlantic Bank

By: Staff Writer December 18, 2020 IDB Invest, a member of the IDB Group, will provide a loan to Atlantic Bank Limited (Atlantic Bank) for US$20m with a three-year tenor.…

Guyana to strengthen public policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic with IDB support

Guyana will strengthen its public policy and fiscal management response to the COVID-19 health and economic crisis with a US$34m loan from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The operation, the first of a…

IMF takes note of massive trade shock in Central America at height of COVID-19 pandemic.

By Staff Writer December 18, 2020 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released a country focus on the Central American region, looking at the impact the COVID-19 pandemic and Natural disasters…

CariCRIS further lowers the ratings on Mystic Mountain Limited

Below is a release from Caribbean ratings agency CariCris. Further to our rating downgrade effected on July 21, 2020, Caribbean Information & Credit Rating Services Limited (CariCRIS), the region’s credit…

Barbados draws down additional $94m US from IMF- Fund hails their economic recovery plan.

By: Staff Writer December 11, 2020 During the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) recent decision on Barbados, the Executive Board Concluded their Fourth Review under the IMF’s Extended Arrangement under the…

RBC is proud to work with IDB in $250M (TT) Trinidad mortgage scheme.

By: Staff Writer November 11, 2020 A senior RBC executive said that he is “proud” to help provide finance to Trinidad’s Home Mortgage Bank as a part of an Inter-American…

Digital Shift, are Caribbean Economies ready?- Bitt Inc’s chief economist speaks!

By: Kimberly Ramkhalawan, contributor December 11, 2020 Digital tools are needed in the new world post COVID-19 a top Caribbean economist insists. The COVID-19 pandemic that hit the world…

Dominica resort receives international first as it strengthens its CBI portfolio during BREXIT!

By Staff Writer December 4, 2020 Dominica’s Cabrits Kempinski Resort Becomes the First Recipient of the Annual World MICE Awards The Commonwealth of Dominica’s real estate sector has been making international waves…