February 7, 2023 On March 22nd and 23rd, the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Tourism, along with ProColombia, the agency in charge of promoting Colombian exports internationally, will host the…
“Signature” Brandy makes its Bahamas debut
February 7, 2023 Under dark skies and tobacco fog, brandy lovers and socialites tasted for the first time the newest member of the St.-Rémy Collection. Described as smooth, oaky and…
This Island Empress is fighting her way to the top of the fashion world!
By: Staff Writer February 3, 2023 How does a young woman born in St Lucia find her way to Paris by way of London? She made the most of her…
MASSY TURNS 100! A Caribbean Conglomerate’s milestone MASSY TURNS 100!
By Kimberly Ramkhalawan February 3, 2023 kramkhalawan@caribmagplus.com One of the Caribbean’s longest conglomerates turned a century old this week, Massy’s group of companies. Gervase Warner, CEO of the group says…
St. Kitts and Nevis: Staff Concluding Statement of the 2023 Article IV Mission
February 3, 2023 An IMF mission, led by Mr. Alexandre Chailloux, visited St. Kitts and Nevis during January 16-27, 2023, for the 2023 Article IV consultation discussions on economic developments…
Cloud Carib Becomes First CSA Trusted Cloud Provider Headquartered in Caribbean
February 3, 2023 Cloud Carib announced this month that it has joined the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), as the only firm in the region to receive the highly sought ‘Trusted…
Debt in the LAC topped US $5.8tr in 2022 says IDB
By: Staff Writer January 31, 2023 The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) said in its, “Dealing with Debt: Less Risk for More Growth in Latin America and the Caribbean,” book that…
CEO: Job growth momentum must continue
January 31, 2023 Caribbean governments, businesses and organizations must keep the momentum of recent job growth growing to fend off the worst impacts of a possible recession, says Caribbean Employment…
Flexible work could revolutionize Caribbean labour
January 31, 2023 The labour force in many Caribbean countries could be among the most advanced and productive in the world if flexible working arrangements were to become more normalized,…
Business process outsourcing could prove lucrative for the Caribbean, if developed properly, says CEO
January 31, 2023 Call centers are not new to the Caribbean; several nations already have a number of centers of international businesses up and successfully running. In particular, Jamaica has…
Nicaragua: 2022 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Nicaragua
January 31, 2023 Substantial pre-crisis buffers (primarily government deposits), prudent policies, and official external financial assistance helped Nicaragua recover well from a protracted downturn during 2018-2020 caused by the socio-political…