January 19, 2024 I don’t think we appreciate how much talent we have in the Caribbean and Central American region. So many artisans that we can’t keep up with all…
EDITORIAL: Peace be upon Senor Arevalo
January 16, 2024 After hours of chaos and delay, Bernardo Arevalo is finally sworn in as Guatemala’s president. We wish Mr Arevalo all the best as his cabinet takes shape…
EDITORIAL: Happy Birthday to our friend Marcia Braveboy!
January 12, 2024 We want to wish a very special birthday to a friend of this magazine, sometimes contributor, Marcia Braveboy. Marcia is a veteran journalist in Trinidad and Tobago…
EDITORIAL: Arevalo will finally ascend to the presidency, what will he do?
January 9, 2024 It’s about time we got to the point where we can see Guatemala’s president elect, Bernardo Arevalo, finally make some concrete move to organise his government. This…
EDITORIAL: Is Dickon Mitchell on his way out?
January 5, 2024 The recent move to block the media in Grenada from covering the recent cabinet appointments after a cabinet shuffle only adds fuel to the rumour mill and…
EDITORIAL: Merry Christmas. We are off until January 5
December 15, 2023 We want to wish our readers a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. This year has zoomed by very quickly. Usually, we do a review,…
EDITORIAL: The pathway to peace, take it.
December 12, 2023 The pathway to peace for Guyana and Venezuela leads through the St Vincent and the Grenadines. Thank God there can be a neutral place where the leaders…
EDITORIAL: Don’t be mean this Christmas season
December 8, 2023 After a tragedy, or severe trauma, and after we have settled back to normal, we as human beings tend to forget the problems we all shared as…
EDITORIAL: Venezuela won’t annex Guyana
December 5, 2023 President Nicolas Maduro would be crazy to invade Guyana’s Essequibo region. He won’t do it. Think about it, he does not need a referendum to act unilaterally.…
EDITORIAL: We are on the final lap of 2023.
December 1, 2023 We are in the final lap of this year of our Lord, 2023. We have to finish it out in peace and happiness. We deserve it, especially…
EDITORIAL: The COP28 run up is underwhelming.
November 28, 2023 The 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC, better known as COP28 is underwhelming thus far. There is no run…
EDITORIAL: The sky is the limit for Caribbean young people
November 24, 2023 I am encouraged when I see the young people of our fair region gather together for wholesome dialogue and activity to strengthen our respective little rocks and…