EDITORIAL: The OAS is most useless!

October 7, 2022 The Organisation of American States is proving more useless every day we watch them. When we first started out with this news agency and even before this,…

EDITORIAL: The US relented on Venezuela

October 4, 2022 Will the United States continue to soften its tone with Nicholas Maduro in Venezuela now that it is clear he is not budging from office? Regardless of…

EDITORIAL: PAHO changes the guard and so does the IDB!

September 30, 2022 The Pan American Health Organisation has a new director, a Brazilian by the name of Dr Jarbas Barbosa da Silva Jr, he replaces outgoing director, Dominican, Dr…

EDITORIAL: Regional representation at UN diverse!

September 27, 2022 From the choice pieces of United Nations General Assembly speeches we have to offer in this Tuesday’s edition of the magazine we see how our leaders geared…

EDITORIAL: Is the CCRIF worth it? Yes, of course!

September 23, 2022 Now that Hurricane Fiona is moving slowly out of the Caribbean after having touched the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and the Turks and Caicos Islands, the conversation…

EDITORIAL: Hurricane Fiona is a wide one, but not that strong thankfully!

September 20, 2022 This Tropical Storm/Hurricane Fiona sweeping through the Caribbean now, with intent, is a wide one. It can cover several countries simultaneously- While it was in Puerto Rico,…

EDITORIAL: How can we live without banking?

September 16, 2022 How cruel can the larger countries be to us in the Caribbean? They are intent on shutting off our access to finance by putting blockages to correspondent…

EDITORIAL: We will never live down drug trafficking!

September 13, 2022 The Caribbean will never live down drug trafficking as long as North Americans and Europeans crave illicit narcotics. America has a substance abuse problem and it is…

EDITORIAL: The Queen is dead, long live the King!

September 9, 2022 It is with great sadness we have to discuss the death of Her Royal Highness, Queen Elizabeth II, the only British monarch many of us have ever…

EDITORIAL: So close, but yet so far!

September 6, 2022 So many opportunities us as people in the Caribbean and Central American region are missing out on that we can have access to by virtue of being…

EDITORIAL: These Africans will disappoint you. Mark my word!

September 2, 2022 So this Africa/Caribbean Trade forum happened and it was glossier than I thought it would have been. High profile African leaders from politics and finance descended on…

EDITORIAL: Is Kamla worth a third chance?

August 30, 2022 We are a part of a small United National Congress (UNC) led Whatsapp Group and we are seeing all of the back and forth and building up…