The Biden administration needs to do more on inflation says Arawak Media CEO!

April 22, 2022 Caribbean Magazine Plus editor and Arawak Media CEO, Youri Kemp, speaks to Love97 in Belize about the rise in bread and flour prices in the Caribbean and…

Arawak Media CEO speaks about the rise in fuel prices in the Caribbean!

April 22, 2022 Caribbean Magazine Plus editor and Arawak Media CEO, Youri Kemp, speaks to Love97 in Belize about the rise in gas prices in the Caribbean and Central American…

EDITORIAL: Can prices go back down to normal levels?

April 19, 2022 Sad to say, but the progressive, liberal policy of the Biden administration has set us into a seriously inflationary season in the Western Hemisphere. Countries who import…

EDITORIAL: Good Friday Blessings!

April 15, 2022 Peace be upon you my brothers and sisters. Let today be filled with blessings despite the circumstances of what today represents. May this year change everything for…

EDITORIAL: Russia/Ukraine conflict is dragging on, sadly!

April 12, 2022 I wonder if Russia has realized yet they have walked into their new millennium Afghanistan yet? This looks like when the old Soviet Union went into Afghanistan…

EDITORIAL: Let’s admit it, it’s just lip-service on climate and social governance!

April 8, 2022 The world is getting hotter, so says the United Nations, as a result of human action that was ten times more than it was 20 years ago.…

EDITORIAL: They are killing us. Help!

April 5, 2022 The new United Nations IPCC report shows that the developed countries are still killing us slowly with their carbon emissions. What is so hard to turn the…

EDITORIAL:  Short story contest update!

Dear all, We have been receiving a lot of questions about the short-story contest results. Dr Hunte is still reviewing the last scripts. As you can imagine, it is not…

EDITORIAL: Technology is the way out for the region!

March 29, 2022 The US Virgin Islands is doing it right. They are embracing technology with their upcoming business attraction summit. They have built the backbone for the technology revolution…

EDTORIAL: What do we want from Reparations?

March 25, 2022 When will the descendants of slaves be granted reparations from Europe and America? It seems as if everyone else gets to have something or some notification, at…

EDITORIAL: People are showing off in front of Prince William- Sit down please!

March 22, 2022 The trip being made by #PrinceWilliam and his wife Kate Middleton is creating some waves in the English speaking Caribbean, starting off with the indigenous people in…

EDITORIAL:  Locked up abroad- what a frightening thing!

March 18, 2022 The world has been following American women’s basketball player, Brittney Griner, and her incarceration in Russia at one of the worst possible times in Russian and American…