March 15, 2022 The way you hear about the invasion from large US networks you would believe that this invasion of the Ukraine by Russia was an all out bogus…
EDITORIAL: Anybody itching to go back to face-to-face is a Nazi!
March 11, 2022 The world is getting back to what it was prior to March, 2020 when most of the world realized that the COVID-19 was a real thing and…
EDITORIAL: Back to regular problems now!
March 8, 2022 The region seems to be getting back to regular problems now. The latest regular problem is with our financial centres being under attack. The loss of correspondent…
EDITORIAL: CMP has to eat our words. The CARICOM HOG meeting was worth it after all!
March 4, 2022 The Caribbean Heads of Government (HOG) meeting came to an end on Thursday. We initially thought it was nothing but the regular blather, the obligatory glib comments…
EDITORIAL: CARICOM HOG meeting- nothing new, really!
March 1, 2022 There was nothing special to note at the CARICOM Heads of Government meeting. Same old broken record, really- Caribbean Single Market and Economy, Food Security issues, blah,…
EDITORIAL: The war has begun and Americans are still talking- this new decency is amazing!
February 25, 2022 I think Russian President Vladimir Putin knew Americans would do nothing but talk about him bombing the Ukraine, but did not have the stomach or foolish pride…
EDITORIAL: American media just stopped talking about COVID-19 all of a sudden!
February 22, 2022 The Biden administration in the US have their hands full. This Ukrainian stand-off with Russia has them pre-occupied, so much so that American media has stopped talking…
EDITORIAL: The CMP Short Story Contest has come to an end!
February 18, 2022 Dear readers, the editorial board at the Caribbean Magazine Plus wishes to thank all of those that entered into our first ever Short Story Contest that came…
EDITORIAL: There will be war and the rumours of war!
February 15, 2022 Until the philosophy which hold one race superiorAnd another inferiorIs finally and permanentlyDiscredited and abandonedEverywhere is warMe say war That until there no longer first class and…
EDITORIAL: Jamaica is upside down now!
February 11, 2022 While we watch Marion Hall/Lady Saw versus Spice and Shenseea and the other young female artists, the country is being drenched in the blood of the people…
EDITORIAL: Caribbean Magazine Plus has a lot going on!
February 8, 2022 This is an interview Arawak Media CEO and Caribbean Magazine Plus Editor, Youri Kemp, did with AB Today on ABS TV Antigua on February 8, 2022. Mr…
EDITORIAL: Massy proves Caribbean integration can work!
February 4, 2022 The Massy Group, the Trinidadian Conglomerate, listed on the Jamaican Stock Exchange in search of greater return in the Jamaican market. This hardly went noticed, but to…