EDITORIAL: Caribbean folks dream of Africa, why?

September 10, 2021 There is a growing amount of chatter on Caribbean people linking back up with their African brothers and sisters. No harm can come of that I imagine.…

EDITORIAL: In God’s time, listen to him!

September 7, 2021 Have you ever had a revelation that God was speaking to you? Most of us have and that is not a crazy thing. Well, not all the…

EDITORIAL: What’s the next growth industry for the Caribbean?

August 31, 2021 Projections from the Inter-American Development Bank has the Caribbean rebounding from the COVID-19 pandemic by no earlier than 2022 and some as late as 2026. Bad news…

EDITORIAL: When you are wrong, admit it!

August 27, 2021 We ran an editorial on August 24 that was titled, “Elizabeth Thompson-Herah” and then doubled down and wrote Elizabeth Thompson-Herah in the first line of the note.…

EDITORIAL: Can Elaine Thompson-Herah be beaten at the 100m now?

August 24, 2021 Elaine Thompson-Herah is burning up the race tracks with phenomenal back to back wins at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and now at the Prefontaine Classic in Oregon…

EDITORIAL: We’re coming down the home stretch of 2021

August 20, 2021 Soon it will be Christmas time again. This 2021 went by quickly, didn’t it? We are in August bearing down on September, which is approaching quickly. Schools…

EDITORIAL: Will Haiti ever get right, and why is America stuck on Afghanistan?

August 17, 2021 It seems as if our brothers and sisters in Haiti can never catch a break. Just when we thought the assassination of their president was bad enough,…

EDITORIAL: The UN Climate Change report has some information to sink your teeth into!

August 13, 2021 It was just last week where we were chastising climate change muppets for being vague on the climate change data, and not relating it to previous experiences…

EDITORIAL: Can we reverse climate change?

August 10, 2021 The short answer is no. Because climate change is climate change. Nobody can control the weather, but can we minimize the impact of climate change? Absolutely. The…

EDITORIAL: Is the anti-government violence in the Caribbean spreading?

August 6, 2021 Just recently the Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines was struck with a rock in his head as he made his way through protestors in…

EDITORIAL: Are more sanctions in Cuba helping the situation?

August 3, 2021 The United States imposed more sanctions on Cuba, this time through the Treasury Secretary against two top Cuban officials. The sanctions have to do with the recent…

EDITORIAL: The focus on the Caribbean now, Kamala Harris as US VP is already paying dividends!

July 30, 2021 A focus on the Caribbean is being seen now out of the US government. Not since the Bill Clinton years has any significant mention or thought into…