COMMENTARY: Proportional Representation in elections – key to democratic representation  

By Sir Ronald Sanders  The second consecutive general elections in Barbados on January 19, at which Mia Mottley’s Barbados Labour Party (BLP) won all 30 seats in the House of…


By: Marla Dukharan January 25, 2022 Almost 20 years since this release, after our nation’s biggest ‘boom’ and possibly its deepest / longest recession / stagnation ever, there has been…

COMMENTARY: CARICOM Secretary-General’s Remarks at the Ministerial Meeting of the International Partners of Haiti

By: Carla Barnett January 25, 2022 I welcome the invitation to participate in this timely and important meeting on Haiti, a Member State of our Caribbean Community (CARICOM). Let me…

COMMENTARY: Democracy in Barbados fully entrusted to new Mia Mottley government

January 21, 2022 By Sir Ronald Sanders  Rejecting the accusations of bullying and despotism that were levelled at Mia Mottley, the overwhelming majority of the electorate of Barbados returned her…

COMMENTARY: The Global Minimum Tax – Another Vulnerability Vector And Door For Discrimination Against Small States

Marla Dukaharan January 21, 2022 “Still less, let it be proposed that our properties within our own territories shall be taxed or regulated by any power on earth but our…

COMMENTARY: Commonwealth Caribbean countries – all Republics by 2030?

By Sir Ronald Sanders  January 14, 2022 By 2030, it is more than likely that the eight independent Commonwealth countries which are still monarchical states, with Queen Elizabeth II as…

COMMENTARY: Governments must act urgently to end embarrassing UWI spectacle

By: Sir Ronald Sanders January 7, 2022 No individuals are greater or more valuable than Institutions.  The University of the West Indies (The UWI) is the longest thriving and most…

COMMENTARY: Desmond Tutu: A Life of Servanthood Leadership

By: Wayne Campbell January 7, 2022 “I am not interested in picking up crumbs of compassion thrown from the table of someone who considers himself my master. I want the…

COMMENTARY: Reform the OAS or oversee its irrelevance

By: Sir Ronald Sanders December 17, 2021 Our world exists today in troubled circumstances, governed by outmoded charters and laws that are no longer fit for purpose and do not…

COMMENTARY: ‘Drowning in promises’ after COP26

By: David Jessop December 14, 2021 In a powerful speech at last month’s COP26 climate summit, Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley seized the day. In just eight minutes, she captured…

COMMENTARY: Democracy Summit missed an essential ingredient

By Sir Ronald Sanders  December 10, 2021  US President Joe Biden declared at the opening of a “Summit on Democracy”, which he convened on December 9, that “democracy needs champions”. …

COMMENTARY: Wake up and smell the Chow Mein

By Sir Ronald Sanders  December 3, 2021 A television interviewer asked me if I thought Caribbean countries, and other developing territories, would benefit from the ‘war for influence’ that the…