VIDEO: Morning Devotions led by Deacon Allison Dean

Morning Devotions led by Deacon Allison Dean, Assistant Curate to be for St Luke’s Parish South Eleuthera, Bahamas

VIDEO: Devotions led by Fr Lynden Douglas, St Peter’s Parish and St Christopher’s. Bahamas.

Morning Devotions led by by Fr Lynden Douglas, for St Peter’s Parish, Long Island and St Christopher’s, Rum Cay. Bahamas.

VIDEO: Devotions by Canon Sebastian Campbell, rector of St Gregory’s Church. Nassau, Bahamas.

Morning Devotions led by by Canon Sebastian Campbell, rector of St Gregory’s Church. Nassau, Bahamas.

First Sunday After The Epiphany – Baptism of Our Lord- LIVING WET!

By: Deacon Desirée Johnson, assistant curate atChrist the King Anglican Church.Nassau, Bahamas. Let us pray: Creator Spirit, who hovered over the waters at creation’s birth, who descended in the form…

VIDEO: Devotions led by Father Alvardo Adderley, St. Monica Provo with St. George South Caicos Turks and Caicos.

Morning Devotions led by Father Alvardo Adderley, rector of St. Monica Provo with St. George South Caicos Turks and Caicos.

VIDEO: New Year’s Eve Full Service

This is the full New Year’s Eve service at the Holy Spirit, Anglican Church. Chippenham, Nassau, Bahamas. Service was held on December 31, 2020 leading into January 1, 2021. The…

RELIGION: Christmas Eve sermon!

By the Venerable G. Kingsley Knowles. Christ the King Anglican Parish Church, Nassau Bahamas. January 1, 2020 (Delivered on December 24, 2020) And the Word became flesh and dwelt among…

VIDEO: Feast Day of St Stephen the martyr- Daily devotions!

Today’s devotions are led by Archdeacon The Rev. Father Earl Hepburn of the Northern Bahamas Archdeaconry and Rector of the Church of the Ascension in Lucaya, Grand Bahama.

God reengages himself by an Angel through a Maiden’s Obedience! And a Man’s Dream!

By The Venerable G. Kingsley Knowles Third Sunday in Advent. Christ the king Anglican Church. December 25, 2020. “BEHOLD, THE VIRGIN SHALL CONCEIVE AND BEAR A SON, AND THEY SHALL…


By: Pastor Cranston Evans, lead pastor at Emmanuel Baptist Church. Nassau, Bahamas. December 18, 2020 LUKE 1 26 AND IN THE SIXTH MONTH THE ANGEL GABRIEL WAS SENT FROM GOD UNTO…


By: Deacon Desirée Johnson, assistant curate at Christ the King Anglican Church. Nassau, Bahamas. December 11, 2020 Sermon delivered on December 6, 2020 So, here we are at the second…

The image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd

By The Venerable G. Kingsley Knowles Commitment Sunday.  Advent 1. Christ the king Anglican Church. November 29, 2020. I am the good shepherd. John chapter 10; the great Shepherd, Hebrews…