COMMENTARY: Building a Stronger Nation: The PNM’s Legacy and Future in Trinidad and Tobago

By: Paul Sarran

September 17, 2024

The 2025 general election in Trinidad and Tobago will mark a significant moment in the country’s political landscape, as the People’s National Movement (PNM) prepares to defend its position as the ruling party. Led by Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley, the PNM has spent the past five years governing through a period of unprecedented global and national challenges. Despite facing adversity, the party has demonstrated resilience, pragmatism, and a commitment to steering Trinidad and Tobago toward stability and prosperity.

The period from 2020 to 2025 was marked by the continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, global economic fluctuations, and rising domestic concerns, particularly in relation to crime and public health. Yet, under the stewardship of Dr. Rowley and the PNM, Trinidad and Tobago managed to weather many of these storms. The government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic is a testament to its ability to navigate complex challenges while prioritizing the health and well-being of its citizens. In the early stages of the pandemic, the PNM-led administration took swift and decisive action to limit the spread of the virus. These measures, including travel restrictions, curfews, and widespread testing, were essential in controlling the spread and reducing the pressure on the healthcare system.

In addition to these early interventions, the government undertook a massive effort to roll out vaccines as they became available. The PNM ensured that vaccine distribution was organized and efficient, with particular attention paid to high-risk groups, including the elderly and those with underlying health conditions. This approach helped to prevent further strain on the healthcare system and allowed for the safe reopening of the economy. While some criticisms were inevitable in such an unprecedented situation, it is clear that the PNM’s handling of the pandemic was largely effective in protecting the population.

The economic consequences of the pandemic were significant, but the PNM demonstrated a forward-thinking approach in addressing the economic fallout. The Rowley administration recognized the need to protect the most vulnerable in society and responded with stimulus measures aimed at mitigating the impact on businesses and individuals. The government introduced financial support for small and medium-sized enterprises, which were particularly hard-hit by the lockdown measures. These initiatives were essential in preserving jobs and keeping businesses afloat during the most difficult periods of the pandemic.

The PNM also recognized the importance of economic diversification during this time. Trinidad and Tobago’s economy has historically been heavily reliant on the energy sector, but global trends in energy production and consumption necessitated a shift in focus. Dr. Rowley’s government understood this, and efforts were made to encourage growth in other sectors of the economy, such as manufacturing, agriculture, and technology. This long-term vision was crucial in laying the groundwork for future economic stability and growth.

Under PNM leadership, the government also prioritized infrastructure development as a means of stimulating economic activity and creating jobs. The Rowley administration recognized that investing in infrastructure would not only help to modernize the country but would also boost employment and improve the quality of life for citizens. Significant projects were undertaken in areas such as transportation, housing, and utilities, contributing to the overall development of Trinidad and Tobago’s physical and social infrastructure.

While the government’s response to the pandemic and its economic fallout was central to its governance in recent years, the PNM also maintained a strong focus on social issues. Recognizing the importance of education and youth development, the Rowley administration continued to invest in the nation’s educational institutions. The government worked to ensure that schools were equipped with the necessary resources, including technological tools, to facilitate remote learning during the pandemic. These efforts were crucial in preventing educational disruptions and ensuring that students could continue their studies despite the challenges posed by the pandemic.

Healthcare remained a top priority for the PNM throughout its tenure. While the pandemic undoubtedly strained the healthcare system, the government made concerted efforts to improve healthcare infrastructure and access to medical services. New hospitals and health centers were opened, and the administration worked to ensure that citizens had access to essential medical treatments. The emphasis on healthcare was not limited to the pandemic response, as the PNM sought to address long-standing issues within the healthcare system, such as reducing wait times and improving the availability of critical care services.

Crime has been a persistent challenge in Trinidad and Tobago, and the PNM has made considerable efforts to address this issue. Dr. Rowley’s government took a multi-faceted approach to crime reduction, investing in both law enforcement and social programs aimed at tackling the root causes of criminal behavior. Recognizing that crime cannot be solved solely through policing, the government worked to create opportunities for at-risk youth, investing in programs that provided education, vocational training, and employment opportunities. These initiatives were designed to offer alternatives to gang involvement and criminal activity, with the ultimate goal of reducing crime rates over the long term.

At the same time, the PNM increased funding for law enforcement agencies, providing them with the resources needed to combat crime more effectively. This included the acquisition of new technology, such as surveillance systems and crime-mapping tools, as well as the recruitment and training of additional officers. The government’s focus on improving law enforcement capacity was paired with efforts to build stronger relationships between police and communities, with an emphasis on community policing and collaboration.

In terms of governance and transparency, the Rowley administration remained committed to ensuring that government processes were transparent and accountable. The PNM placed a strong emphasis on good governance, implementing measures aimed at reducing corruption and improving public sector efficiency. The government introduced reforms designed to streamline bureaucratic processes and reduce opportunities for corrupt practices. These efforts contributed to a more accountable and transparent public sector, which in turn bolstered public trust in government institutions.

The PNM’s international relations and foreign policy during this period were also notable. Dr. Rowley’s government worked to strengthen Trinidad and Tobago’s ties with regional and international partners. The government maintained a pragmatic approach to foreign relations, recognizing the importance of diplomacy in securing trade agreements and attracting foreign investment. The PNM also positioned Trinidad and Tobago as a key player in the Caribbean region, fostering collaboration with neighboring countries on issues such as climate change, regional security, and economic development.

Looking ahead to the 2025 election, the PNM’s track record over the past five years provides a solid foundation for its campaign. The party has demonstrated its ability to lead during times of crisis, whether through its management of the pandemic or its response to economic challenges. The PNM’s vision for the future is one that emphasizes continued growth, diversification, and modernization, while maintaining a focus on social issues such as education, healthcare, and crime reduction.

The Rowley administration’s pragmatic approach to governance has helped to create a stable political environment in Trinidad and Tobago, which is essential for attracting foreign investment and fostering economic growth. By focusing on infrastructure development, economic diversification, and social welfare, the PNM has laid the groundwork for long-term prosperity. Additionally, the government’s commitment to good governance and transparency ensures that Trinidad and Tobago will remain a stable and reliable partner on the international stage.

In the upcoming election, the PNM will likely emphasize the progress made under its leadership and present itself as the party best equipped to continue leading the country forward. The government’s focus on economic recovery, public safety, and social development will resonate with voters who are looking for stability and growth. The PNM’s experience in governance, combined with its forward-looking policies, positions it as a strong contender in the 2025 election.

Dr. Keith Rowley’s leadership has been a key factor in the PNM’s success over the past five years. His calm, steady approach to governance has provided a sense of stability during a time of global uncertainty. Rowley’s ability to navigate complex challenges, whether related to the economy, public health, or crime, has earned him the respect of many citizens. His pragmatic style of leadership, coupled with his commitment to transparency and accountability, has helped to build trust in the government’s ability to manage the country’s affairs effectively.

As the election approaches, the PNM will undoubtedly highlight its achievements over the past five years, from managing the COVID-19 pandemic to implementing policies aimed at economic diversification and social development. The party’s focus on long-term growth, combined with its commitment to addressing immediate challenges such as crime and public health, positions it as a credible and capable governing force.

The PNM’s experience in governance and its track record of delivering results will be key factors in its campaign strategy. The party will likely present itself as the only viable option for continued stability and progress, contrasting its record with that of the opposition. The PNM’s message will focus on the need for continuity in leadership, arguing that the country cannot afford to take risks with untested or inexperienced alternatives.

Ultimately, the 2025 election will provide Trinidad and Tobago with an opportunity to reflect on the progress made under PNM leadership and to consider the path forward. With a solid track record of governance, a clear vision for the future, and strong leadership in Dr. Keith Rowley, the People’s National Movement is well-positioned to make a compelling case for re-election. The party’s focus on stability, growth, and social welfare resonates with the electorate, and its experience in navigating the challenges of the past five years will be a significant advantage as voters head to the polls.

As the PNM prepares to seek another term in office, its message will likely be one of continued progress and growth. The government’s efforts to modernize the economy, improve public services, and address social issues have already yielded positive results, and the party will emphasize its commitment to building on these achievements in the years to come. With its pragmatic approach to governance and its focus on transparency and accountability, the PNM remains a strong and credible governing force, well-suited to lead Trinidad and Tobago into a prosperous future.

(Paul Sarran is a Political Science student at the University of the West Indies Global Campus in St. Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago.

He is currently in his final years of college and has intentions to become a Political Scientist or an Independent Senator)

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