COMMENTARY: Will Guyana  Become  an Elite Top-Five Global Oil Producer by 2025 ?

By: Rebecca Theodore

April 14, 2023

As the world transitions to a low-carbon economy, international energy companies are investing heavily in fossil fuel exploration  and production in  Guyana.   Reinforced by favorable geology, escalating petroleum infrastructure and low breakeven prices, Guyana’s oil  is now enticing significant interest with major energy companies  globally.

Indeed! Guyana  is  now  emerging   as the  most recent power oil play in  Latin America  and  the  world.

Although  issues such as the impact of COVID-19, renewable energy, and economic studies pervade  the  reputation,  according to Rystad Energy,  “the facts are that, when you analyze Guyana’s oil sector, even with just a focus on the current 33 discoveries and the 11 billion recoverable barrels in the Stabroek Block, the projection is that only Saudi Arabia, Brazil, and the United Arab Emirates will produce more oil on an annual basis.”

Besides, prolific exploration and a steady pace of Final Investment Decisions [FID] now  propel Guyana to be the world’s fourth offshore oil producer by 2025.

With Rystad predicting that  Guyana will be pumping 1.7 million barrels daily by 2035,  and  Exxon Mobile  forecasting   that the  Stabroek  block will propel Guyana from a relatively small producer to a global leader in the coming years,  Guyana’s position as a competitive and policy-friendly player for offshore production  is  further  solidified. 

Moreover, the International Monetary Fund  further  projects  that Guyana’s  economy has  grown by 86 percent  last  year, the fastest rate in the world.

 According to the U.S. Geological Survey the sedimentary basin  in the Stabroek Block could indeed be the world’s last great offshore oil boom. As a result, economic analysts now  predict that Guyana’s production will reach 1.2 million barrels daily by 2027, to become the third largest oil producer in Latin America and the Caribbean, making it a top 20 oil producing nation and by far the largest oil producing nation per capita.

According to geologist, the sweet light and medium oil grades found in Guyana have a relatively low carbon cost to extract and refine, especially when compared to the heavier sourer grades typically found in South America.

For these reasons, Georgetown’s inaugural oil auction now   garner extensive attention, chiefly with Guyana at the top of the leaderboard for yielding the most oil discovered globally since 2015.

Coupled  with  the  fact  that Guyana’s offshore oil fields are  of the most competitive supply sources outside of the Middle East and offshore Norway, and are cheaper than the US onshore heavyweight, and  the Permian, and Russia sources; those characteristics further enhance the attractiveness of investing in offshore Guyana and is attracting considerable investment from international oil companies.

In fact, aside from  the  fact  that  Guyana is one of the lowest-cost jurisdictions in Latin America for energy companies to operate in, the prolific Stabroek Block where Exxon’s strip of world-class finds has produced 11 billion barrels of recoverable oil resources, it is believed that another 25 billion barrels are waiting to be discovered.

With Rystad predicting Guyana will be pumping 1.7 million barrels daily by 2035,   it  seems  that  Guyana  has  now  emerged  as an elite top-five global producer and  that  the  sedimentary basin could indeed be the world’s last great offshore oil boom.

(Rebecca  Theodore  is an  international  journalist  and  syndicated  Op-ed columnist  based  in New York City.  She  writes  on  the  platform  of  politics,  national security,  human  rights  and  climate  change, and now  reports  on the  oil and  gas industry in  Guyana in reference to the  United Nations  Sustainable  Development  Goals  agenda.  Follow her  on twitter  @rebethd)

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