EDITORIAL: Can the Trinidad and Venezuela partnership work?

September 3, 2024

What a strange time to consummate a partnership Trinidad took with Venezuela? To begin works agreed upon several months ago amid election controversy in Venezuela, with calls for Maduro to release election results and also at a time when sanctions are coming down on the Maduro regime as this goes to publish.

Did Trinidad need to do this? Did it need to work in such a risky environment with the Maduro regime? What makes the Trinidadian government believe that Venezuela will uphold their part of the bargain, considering all of the crippling sanctions on top of the mismanagement the Maduro regime is prone for?

This is a disaster waiting to happen. We see Trinidadian money being wasted and when the Maduro regime starts to get flaky due to all of the aforementioned, we will be here to say we told you so.

I guess Prime Minister Rowley can’t back out of it now, especially sine the Trinidadian government announced that works are set to start on the gas fields any day now. We just have to keep watch of how this unfolds.

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