EDITORIAL: Caribbean is not ready for a Tsunami

February 11, 2025

If you are not concerned right now with the recent earthquake and ensuing tsunami warning for the northern Caribbean, then you really should be now.

The region does not have a tsunami evacuation plan in place. With 90 percent of the Caribbean being coastal countries surrounded by water, at any given day we can become deluged by a large wave to wash over our tiny little islands.

With climate change now a part of our daily conversations, the rise in sea levels as a result of it, we need to be mindful that we need to have a plan of action in the event an even larger earthquake hits the region and sends massive waves into our countries.

We don’t want to see it happen. I don’t want to live in a time where that happens. We want to encourage our leaders to have that on their next CARICOM Heads of Government meeting. This is important now.

Find the funding. Collectively we can afford to craft a halfway decent plan in the event of a catastrophe like a tsunami.

We can get ahead of this.

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