EDITORIAL: Haiti’s musical chairs on Prime Minister’s

May 31, 2024

While it may look unsightly for the leadership council to pull back from Fritz Bélizaire, it would most likely be for the better.

Bélizaire, while he may have been a good man, clearly never had the ministerial cache to handle Haiti’s toughest problems right now while trying to organise a country to ready themselves for national elections. He was only a Sports Minister and by the looks of it was a bit too old to run with a fast pace that is needed for Haiti.

Another red flag about Bélizaire is that despite being a former cabinet minister in Haiti, very little is known about him- At least let us understand you are a US operative, at the very least. He was somewhat of an unknown quantity.

On the other hand, we know Garry Conille is a former Prime Minister, has hid elbows deep into Haiti’s bureaucracy and is known to the international elite organisations. While this may make people shudder, but like it or don’t like it, Haiti will need the US and Canada in order to stabilise itself.

Let’s continue to pray for Haiti.

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