EDITORIAL: Have a Good Friday, don’t waste time on the crazies!

Today is Good Friday. Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ was crucified. He was lied on, spat on, jeered, beaten, abused, humiliated and scorned. Yet he did it all for us. A sacrifice no greater. Ain’t God good?

Now I know many people don’t really worship my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, but that’s ok. I love you anyway. We all aren’t of the same mind and God has a plan for you anyway.

But as I say I love you, I am reminded of a recent experience I had a few days ago where I found myself on Twitter talking to people I don’t know… again! I’m like, whoa… I can’t believe I’m doing it again. I left Facebook for the same temptation and now my Twitter, which I used for my news and information curation, and there I was, sitting here tweeting on stories that pop up from the various personalities and news organisations.

Well, the story in question was from PBS.org and it had a story saying that just 47 percent of Americans attended a church service or were a part of a church – first time ever that polling on this topic dropped below 50 percent.

Of course, those who are not believers popped up to show how pleased they are. I had to respond, but why did I do that? I found myself four responses deep with atheists and I stopped myself and said, “Hold up, you’re doing this again” … and I left the thread immediately. They can win and keep it. I know the truth and God needs no defence, he will show you.

This is the thing the news media does to you and social media exacerbates and makes it deeper and more severe. It pulls up emotive topics and causes you to respond and the next thing you know, you are in a tweet-storm or a flame-war and you are emotionally invested in a meaningless topic that you really could live without. LOL!

Well, I caused it on myself as I should know religion and politics causes people to share their views as much as I wish to offer them- can’t get mad with the backlash, but you can save yourself some time and realise that one short comment on social media is not going to change anyone’s beliefs. Learn to fight winnable wars and leave these crazies alone.

 I will not get back into that sunken place where m Facebook page, which I have deleted years ago, turns into that sad, bitter, resentful and angry place over things I really couldn’t give a hoot about.

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