EDITORIAL: How can Kenya help when they need help?

June 28, 2024

This is exactly what I feared would happen, an African country like Kenya, came in on their white horse to help Haiti, and their own country began to collapse.

Not to sound pessimistic, but how can any African country help anyone when their own countries are teetering on the brink of collapse on any given day?

Not that no Haitian should not welcome the help, but let’s think about it seriously now.

Let us hope that the international mission led by Kenya stabilizes Haiti for our own sake on this side of the world. Let us also hope that Kenya does not need our help now, because we know we can’t help them to stabilize their own country after protestors have taken it for their own.

Sad to say, this is the problem if this Kenya led force to Haiti is forced to pull back: What will happen with Haiti now? And will the other complement of forces be left to fend for themselves in a country they only came to help because a larger force in Kenya, decided to step forward?

You can’t possibly expect The Bahamas or Jamaica or any other Caribbean country to stick it out in Haiti if the Kenyan forces are forced to pull back to Kenya? You can’t possibly think that.

But, let us hope for the best for Haiti and Kenya.

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