July 12, 2024
I often wonder if the lord’s of this earth realize how much damage they are doing to the socio-economic environment for the rest of us and how what they do impacts all of us? I don’t think they do.
We have now two serious matters enveloping in The Bahamas, the first is the apathy the Royal Bahamas Police Force has towards finding a missing American woman. It’s like they don’t care, you know? “Oh, well, another missing person. So what? What’s for lunch?” That’s how it is coming across and it doesn’t matter how many press conferences you have, the attitude and approach to finding the person is seeping through.
You see, the way you handle the locals under your coverage, with the same callous, apathetic, demeanour, is how you will take everyone. Now you are embarrassing us on a world stage. How unfortunate for us all.
Then we have the exposition of a senior police officer in The Bahamas allegedly caught on voice-note arranging a bribe with a suspect that was later killed. Do you understand how bad that looks, even if we try to sanitize how in depth those conversations were? It’s like the suspect was a piece of meat that you can discard like trash.
The stench of the Royal Bahamas Police Force is stinking to high heaven and we must support our good police officers and always shun the lackluster, shabby ones. We hope the Commissioner of Police can find the resolve to get to the bottom of these matters for the country’s sake. It looks bad. Beyond bad.