EDITORIAL: It’s easy to forget the world is in turmoil!

April 14, 2023

In case you didn’t notice it, there are several hot button, life and death matters, brewing in the world today. The first and foremost is the war in the Ukraine and its impact on the rest of the world, from unstable oil prices to the high cost of commodities like wheat, the regular people like you and I are feeling the brunt of the realities of war. Sad part is we are not directly in the war zone. Can you imagine the men and women directly in the war zone? Life must be hell. From the death of scores of soldiers, to the abandoned homes, to the impact on the environment and the animals. That must be a scary time in Eastern Europe.

Before we get on our high horse, the Western Hemisphere has our own problems with Haiti. Haiti is a smouldering cauldron of confusion, hate, blight, poverty with a dash of kleptocratic ignorance that has caused that country to epitomize the shithole that former US President Donald Trump called them a few years back. We all have our opinions on Haiti, how it got to where it is and how it perpetually lapses back into chaos after a few years of solid progress. But, none of that helps the situation they currently have now. I would dare to wash my hands of them and pray for them for God’s intervention. But God may not be their religion, which may be the biggest problem of all.

Moving back East, we have China building up military forces around Taiwan. Of course China wants the US to turn their eye from their ally in Taiwan and place it on their other ally in the Ukraine, so they can invade Taiwan unimpeded. These are very tense times for the Taiwanese, because they don’t want their beautiful island to be trampled under by China’s Red Army. They live in peace without Chinese authority, so why would they want to be under a communist system when they have democracy?

Then back slightly moving back West again, we have a conflagration on the West Bank of Israel where rockets are raining to and fro between Israel and Lebanon. Seems like peace in the Middle East is just a slogan now, huh? They have more problems than what we have seen in Haiti. It will never be fixed until God comes down and puts an end to it.

All in between all of these major situations there is more issues with cyber security and domestic matters that are too numerous to count. From the cyber criminals shutting down major organisations and oftentimes countries, to the random American taking an automatic weapon and executing tens of innocent civilians for no reason at all.

We pray for peace for us all.

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