EDITORIAL: We are in the Autumn now.

September 24, 2024

Seems like the hottest summer on record is a distant memory. We are not in the season of Autumn. Soon it will be Halloween and then after that it is full steam ahead for Christmas. This year has gone by in a blur.

Of course, the most important date for this year is the US Presidential elections this coming November 5. We have already said that we believe Donald Trump will win. Without question. Vice President Harris is putting up a fight, but at this point most right thinking individuals understand that she has a snowball’s chance in hell to beat Donald Trump. Americans love him too much. The recent assassinations have made him more endearing.

Harris, quite frankly, is just in the race to make it seem as if it is not a fixed election. But really it is.

We just hope that the US elections go off safely and no more assassination attempts are made at any candidate in this election. We must pray that the US Secret Service understands their job and stay on top of their security responsibilities.

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