EDITORIAL: What goes around comes around!

September 6, 2024

Well, well, well. British Virgin Islands Premier Natalio Wheatley is facing his own vote of no confidence. This is the same Premier Wheatley who asked for a vote of no confidence on his former boss and Premier of the BVI, Andrew Fahie. Mind you, Fahie was in trouble for drug trafficking in the US and was subsequently convicted. But look at how the world turns?

Now, considering that Wheatley took the helm of the BVI on the same day as he called for the vote of no confidence, leaves me to believe that he may have been the official that dropped the dime on Fahie while he was travelling to the US. You see, Wheatley was the Deputy Premier of the BVI under Fahie and if anyone who should know about the dealings of Fahie it would be him.

Even more so, Wheatley comes from a top political family in the BVI, being the former grandson of former Chief Minister Willard Wheatley. (You can imagine the entitlement in his bones.)

It would be just the run of the mill political foolery had it not been for the things he is accused of doing that brought about the no confidence vote in the first place, we would have overlooked his treachery against Fahie. But the vote of no confidence has merit. Read the CMP story on it.

Now, Wheatley is facing disquiet in his parliament. Will he last? It all depends on how strong the Opposition is now. We may not be able to trust them either. Why we say? Because Opposition Leader, Ronnie Skelton, has massive contracts with the government despite being a parliamentarian. They allowed him to keep them, but it is what it is. Take from that what you wish.

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