EDITORIAL: When you are wrong, admit it!

August 27, 2021

We ran an editorial on August 24 that was titled, “Elizabeth Thompson-Herah” and then doubled down and wrote Elizabeth Thompson-Herah in the first line of the note. Of course we meant Elaine Thompson-Herah, the two time Olympic champion and current Olympic record holder.

We were wrong and we admit that. It was a gross error on our part. We take our job seriously here at Caribbean Magazine Plus, but to our credit, despite mixing up the name, the content was all true based on how we saw it. We did not intentionally set out to lie and slander Ms Thompson-Herah, or disrespect her in any way. It was just a rushed, boneheaded mistake by a man behind a computer screen, who then promptly changed the headline of the editorial within that 24 hour period after it was published.

There you have it. We were wrong. We made a mistake but we didn’t set out to deceive, which are two separate things. In this business accuracy is paramount and while it may not look like it, we work very hard here.

So why can’t you say you are wrong or say you are sorry to someone you had mistakenly accused or misled? If it was an honest mistake, cleanse yourself and move forward with the truth so we all can be set free.

Take for example the People’s Republic of China. They unleashed a demon of a virus on the world. Hundreds of thousands of people dead. Stopped breathing, as the virus attacks your lungs first and then the rest of your vital organs.

If they had admitted to their mistake from the start of it, so many lives would have been saved and so much money and resources would not have been wasted. Because whatever they created this COVID-19 with, the antidote for it is right within those confines.

But the Chinese government is out here playing global politics. I think they now want the US and major European countries to fall apart, and crack under the weight of the COVID-19. That’s just what the Europeans and Americans did to the Native Americans and African people for centuries during the turn of the Industrial Revolution- imported smallpox and all sorts of diseases to wipe out indigenous populations, weaken their resolve and then enslave them. Turnabout is fair play, but how sad it is.

Prayers go out to all of the people who made mistakes in their life. Find the courage to forgive yourself for being human. You are no better than anyone else. You are not God. Forgive yourself.

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