I’m sure we have all made New Year’s resolutions, and we all have our dreams, hopes, aspirations and goals. But, where exactly is 2021 taking us?
For starters, it seems as if 2021 is a drag on from the horrid 2020 where most of us were stunned into shock at how much of our life can be stopped, dead in its tracks.
What can someone do in this environment of COVID-19, lockdowns and no travel? What did you have planned?
I for one had nothing up my sleeve but to serve the Lord. A continuation of my 2020 and 2019 to be quite frank. I have no doubt that in time COVID-19 will be behind us and the world will get back some of its liberty. If you don’t believe that then you are a dark soul.
The various vaccine announcements gave the world some hope, but that died off when we found the new variants of the coronavirus are stubborn and resistant.
In any event, one can only hope that the various drug companies can get it together. We even have Cuba making their own vaccine. To be quite honest, I put more trust in the Cuban vaccine than I do the America, European, Indian, Russian or Chinese vaccine. I’m being brutally honest.
Cuba does not have the track record for being perverse in their handling of serious health issues like this. At least as far as we know. When I say perverse, I mean testing out dangerous drugs on prison inmates or disadvantaged peoples around the world. Or, withholding pertinent information on medicinal cures only to make more money on the treatment. Things like that.
So, let us still hope. Give me the Cuban vaccine.