By: Staff Writer
April 29, 2022
A former Donald Trump senior official says that he is planning to move his offices to The Bahamas and build out his cryptocurrency ambitions within the country’s “world leading” digital assets regulations.
Anthony Scaramucci, former White House Communications Director under U.S. President Donald Trump, told Caribbean Magazine Plus while attending the FTX CryptoBahamas Conference that he is planning a huge cryptoconference next year in The Bahamas with aims of “taking” the entire Baha-Mar Resort with it.

The FTX CryptoBahamas Conference is already a huge success with international players in the digital assets and Fin-Tech spaces converging on the Baha-Mar Resort for the four day conference this week.
Mr Scaramucci, who has been visiting The Bahamas over the past 25 years, minces no words when he says that his “partnership” with Sam Bankman-Fried, chief executive officer of FTX, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world, has caused him to turn his annual visit to The Bahamas into something more.
The founder and managing partner of Skybridge Capital, added: “I predict that in five years The Bahamas is going to be one of those places in the world where they say: Okay they lead the world in terms of regulatory reform and regulatory process and it’s going to be a Web3 destination.”
Web3 (also known as Web 3.0 and sometimes stylized as web3) is an idea for a new iteration of the World Wide Web based on blockchain technology, which incorporates concepts such as decentralization and token-based economics.
The Bahamas has passed the Digital Assets and Regulated Exchanges (DARE) Act that regulates digital currency (tokens/coins) as well as regulates the people who trade in digital assets, in addition the country successfully implemented the world’s first digital currency, the Sand Dollar.
Mr Scaramucci also added about the CryptoBahamas Conference: “We’ve done this event in Abu Dhabi. We did the event in Singapore twice. We also did it in Tokyo a couple of times, in New York and maybe 10 or so times in Las Vegas. So I’m a perfectionist.
“So I was in here, taking the temperature of the air conditioning, I was in here making sure that the speaker lounge was set up properly, we have to make sure that you get these little things right in an event like this, because then it makes people feel this is tight, and it’s good branding, so I think it’s going well.”
He continued about the conference, “I’m very happy with how things are going. You’re going to see us next year for sure.
“I want to take the entire hotel next year, I’m working with Sam and his team to make sure that we do that. I would like to make this an annual event. I would like to eventually for Skybridge, our firm, to open up an office here in the new campus facilities that FTX is building. I think that this is going to be a necessary destination for people that want to be in cryptocurrency and Web3.”
FTX Digital Markets broke ground on its new $60m campus on Monday. It is building the 1,000-person facility out over the next two to three years, the company’s Chief Executive Officer Ryan Salame told reporters in January.
This is awesome news for the Bahamas’ economy!