From policy to practice: Making CSME work for Caribbean Youth

March 25, 2025

Trinidad and Tobago’s CARICOM Youth Ambassador, Luke James-Trim, says now is the time to take the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME) from policy to practice to benefit young entrepreneurs in the Region.

“For too long, we in the Caribbean have spoken about potential without fully seizing the mechanisms designed to unlock it. The CSME is more than a policy framework—it is a gateway to economic empowerment, mobility, and innovation for young people. It is the key that allows a young Tobagonian entrepreneur to scale their business beyond our shores, a recent graduate to find work in another CARICOM state without unnecessary barriers…” stated the CYA.

Speaking to stakeholders at the CARICOM CSME National Consultation in Tobago on Friday, 21 March, the Youth Ambassador illustrated how the CSME could propel young entrepreneurs from local-based businesses to region-wide franchises and outlets through the freedom of movement of people, goods and services.

He referred to Tobago as having a unique economic and geographical landscape and emphasised that it has a chance to be a leader in the integration process. The CYA described a future in which Tobagonian businesses can expand into the wider Caribbean and young professionals seamlessly move between Member States, gaining experience and driving innovation.

“That future is within reach, but only if we collectively take ownership of the CSME’s implementation,” he asserted.

The CSME National Consultations have been completed in five (5) CARICOM Member States: Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Saint Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The intention is to enhance awareness of national procedures and processes for CSME implementation. The 11th European Development Fund (EDF) – Strengthening Framework for CARICOM Integration and Cooperation Processes (SFCICP) – supports the sessions.

Stakeholders – including Tobagonian students – at the CSME National Consultation

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