Lapsi and Suhari

By Deepa Yankarran

November 5, 2021

Do you like Lapsi and Suhari? It’s so so yummy. This is an Indian sweet or dessert it’s sort of like a sandwich. The Suhari is made with flour, water and sugar. It’s similar to a roti. The filling i made with flour, milk, sugar and spices when cooked it turns into this creamy, smooth, sweet and delicious treat it’s then paste on one Suhari then sandwiched with another. Trust me, you will love it.

Hope you like this Recipe

Love Deeps 💕

Knead the Suhari dough first…


3 Cups Flour

3 Tbsp Ghee

1\2 cup Sugar

1 1\2 cups water

4 cups Ghee for fying


1 Cup Flour

1/2 Cup Sugar

2 Tsp Elaichi/ Cardamom

4 Cups evaporated milk

2 Tsp Ginger

6 Cloves

3 Tbsp Ghee

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