Message of Condolence from the Caribbean Community | Passing of Sir Roy Augier

January 31, 2025

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) notes with sadness the passing of Sir Fitzroy Richard “Roy” Augier, distinguished Caribbean historian, writer and Professor Emeritus, on 26 January 2025, a few weeks following his 100th birthday.

Professor Augier was well known for his seminal contribution to advanced studies in history. He served in key leadership roles, guiding the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC), a CARICOM Regional Institution, over many years.  His distinguished service at The University of the West Indies included both the Cave Hill and Mona campuses.

Sir Roy’s influence on the presentation, interpretation and perception of Caribbean history was solidified by his contributions to several important publications, including the pivotal work, ‘The Making of the West Indies’.

CARICOM salutes this pioneer for his enduring legacy to studies of the history of our Region. We extend condolences to his family, the Government and People of Saint Lucia, The University of the West Indies community, and all who mourn his loss.

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