OAS and CAF Present the Publication “Sub-regional Diagnosis of Data from the Government Procurement and Contracting System”

May 21, 2021

The Organization of American States (OAS), in its role as technical secretariat of the Inter-American Government Procurement Network (RICG, for its acronym in Spanish), in alliance with the development bank of Latin America CAF, present the publication entitled “Sub-regional diagnosis of the data from the public procurement and contracting system,” which was carried out with the technical support of the School of Government of the Universidad de los Andes of Colombia, as part of the activities implemented in the framework of the cooperation project “Prevention of corruption through transparency and data analytics in public procurement systems.”

This publication analyses and determines the level of quality, structure and reusability of the data produced by the national public procurement systems of four countries in the region: Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Paraguay. It also identifies the potential of public procurement datasets to develop methodologies for corruption risk analysis.

The Director of the OAS Department for Effective Public Management, María Fernanda Trigo, highlighted the “relevance of the publication’s analysis, as it allows aligning institutional efforts and establishing recommendations for strengthening national public procurement systems as a very relevant contribution to the fight against corruption, thus following up on the mandates of the ‘Lima Commitment: Democratic Governance against Corruption,’ approved at the 2018 Summit of the Americas.”

CAF’s Director of Digital Innovation of the State, Carlos Santiso, stated that “the main purpose of the diagnosis is to serve as a reference document for other countries in the region, making known tools that aim to enable access to new data-based technologies to improve process management, evaluate procurement behaviour, contribute to the exercise of effective control of public spending and prevent corruption risks.”

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