February 16, 2024

A regional recruitment firm is sending a message of positivity to jobseekers who may be in between jobs and feeling dejected, reminding them that they are not alone and that there are tools that can help.
Caribbean Employment Services Inc. (CES) is a market-leading digital talent acquisition service that aims to connect the top talent from the Caribbean with hiring managers, HR professionals and decision-makers in companies both within the Caribbean as well as abroad. Further, it aims to provide the region’s jobseekers and those who are already employed with news and resources related to Caribbean labour.
As an organization centred around employment, and ensuring Caribbean jobseekers can find and secure the job of their dreams, CES reminded jobseekers that there are many resources such as theirs available at just the click of a button in this digital age.
Online job boards like Caribbean Employment’s and more, and even training courses, leadership webinars and more are available — many times for free — to anyone who wishes to access them. During a period in life such as being in between jobs, where professionals have more free time than they normally would, is the perfect opportunity to take advantage of these resources, according to CES’ experts.
Additionally, it’s an opportune time for a jobseeker to rethink career goals, revisit cover letters and resumes, volunteer, upskill or enroll in training courses, attend networking or even join new organizations. For example, CES suggests researching what skills are in-demand and lucrative, and looking into training opportunities to acquire those skills. Jobseekers can also enlist the help of a career coach or professional resume writer to help them determine which careers might best align with their interests and skillset, and how to best market themselves for that position. Actions like these can help someone who’s in between jobs put his or herself in the best possible position to succeed once he or she is ready to move forward in the business world again.
“We know this can be a difficult period in life, but know that you’re not alone,” says Joseph Boll, CES CEO. “Many people go through this, and many more people are here to help. Think of it as a positive break where you can rethink, regroup and come out stronger on the other side. If you keep your head up and make use of this time in the right way, you’ll be back on your feet again before you know it.”