July 23, 2021
The Tourism Development Corporation (TDC) is collaborating with the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA) to provide access to technical and financial assistance for small tourism enterprises (STEs) through a participation programme.
The organizations are seeking to identify and assess the challenges, barriers and needs faced by STEs to direct technical assistance and support post disaster recovery.
To accomplish this, OAS and CHTA are inviting STEs across The Bahamas to participate in a survey and assist the bodies in targeting their specific needs.
OAS Representative for The Bahamas Phyllis Baron spoke about the benefits of the initiative, which is being carried out in OAS’ 13 member states.
“The OAS will seek to dialogue with the policy makers of our region to create and enhance their policies that will be beneficial to the sector especially as it relates to recovery and business continuity. Hence, it is pertinent that all stakeholders participate in the survey as it is from this data, we can analyze the information and provide strategic guidance that will benefit them as a sector,” she said.
“We should note, that in recent times, there are more and more catastrophic events and so we must be prepared. We therefore encourage all small hotels and tourism businesses across The Bahamas to complete the OAS/CHTA 2021 Business Continuity survey to allow us to assist them appropriately.”
Special advisor and former CEO of CHTA Frank Comito had similar sentiments.

“Small tourism businesses are particularly hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic and the same happens with other crisis situations. We believe that the groundwork of the OAS over 20 years ago on Hurricane Readiness and Small Hotel Operations has helped to prepare the tourism industry to manage their way through crisis situations. However,
we need to look at the new situation faced by small hotel and tourism enterprises and direct resources appropriately,” he said.
“We, therefore, encourage all small hotel and tourism business across The Bahamas to participate in this Business Continuity Survey, which will help the donor funding of the Organization of American States and the resources of CHTA to be directed to better serve their needs”.
TDC Executive Director Janet Johnson said this initiative is a timely one.

“With the hurricane season upon us, we are thrilled to be participating in this innovative initiative with our international Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) partners and so many of our STEs are grateful for the help and guidance that this collaboration affords,” she said.
Eligible participants include hotel operators with under 100 rooms accommodations; independent food and beverage operators in tourism areas; transportation and ground tour operators; recreation including adventure, entertainment and attractions; tourism services including destination management, inbound tour operators; travel agents; retail sales and souvenir stores and other supply chains.