Vybz Kartel released four months after Privy Council murder conviction quashed

By: Staff Writer

August 2, 2024

Imagine being in prison after your murder conviction was quashed by the highest court in the land, this was the fate of legendary dancehall artist Vybz Kartel after the Privy Council threw out his murder conviction of his associate Clive “Lizard Williams”.

Adidja Azim Palmer, aka “Vybz Kartel” or “World Boss,” is finally now a free man. The 48-year-old was originally given a life sentence in 2014 for the killing of Williams.

Now, Vybz Kartel has been released after 13 years of being in jail in Jamaica.

Kartel and his co-accused Shawn ‘Storm’ Campbell, Kahira Jones, and Andre St. John will not face a new trial, the Court of Appeal ruled today in a unanimous decision.

Justice Marva McDonald-Bishop announced the decision, as per news sources: ‘We conclude that the interest of justice do not require a new trial to be ordered for the appellants.’

The appeal argued that a juror accused of trying to bribe others should have been thrown off his trial, and authorities will decide whether the case will face a retrial.

On May 30 2024, Vybz Kartel was ordered to remain in jail alongside his co-accused after judges rejected their initial appeal.

Justice Thomas told a packed court room at the Supreme Court in downtown Kingston that, “In view of the fact that their appeal is not yet determined they should remain in custody until their appeal is concluded.

“That is until a verdict of acquittal is entered or there is a decision for a retrial,” Thomas said.

The decision, in Jamaica, was made by a three panel committee and President of the Court of Appeal, Justice Marva McDonald-Bishop cited 12 reasons for the decision.

The court cited the “psychological and financial effects that it would have on the appellants,” referring to Kartel’s health.

Also named, potential prejudice in empaneling a new jury due to the high profile nature of the case and the uncertainty of availability of witnesses for the 13 year old matter.

Kartel’s defence attorney, Isat Buchanan said they have started the process for his release and are hoping he will be released today.

Dozens of live streams on social media not only claim Vybz Kartel is already released but has resulted in throngs of supporters gathering, as police and other authorities keep the swelling crowds under control.

“Time Come,” attorney Buchanan is reported saying to media, about the long awaited decision.

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